Oakhurst Elementary School Campus Renovation < Back to Projects
Project Completed in 2012
Bass Lake Joint Union Elementary School District
Project Value
$6 million
Project Summary
Durham constructed three separate projects (Facility Hardship, Growth, and Modernization) for the Bass lake unified school district under a lease / leaseback project delivery method.
Scope of work included Addition of modular buildings for new classrooms, demolition of existing classrooms on campus, Earthwork, New A.C. parking lot, Electrical and Low-voltage, Fire Alarm, Street and roadway Improvements along Road #427, Site Utilities new hard surface play courts; Lead and Asbestos abatement of existing Portables, Demolition and Removal of existing portables, new masonry retaining walls and fences along road #427.
By phasing the project Durham was able to negate the need for interim temporary housing, saving the district substantial amounts of money. The enitre campus was transformed from antiquated facilities to new 21st century building standard.